








I was surprised to get my purse back in Japan. I’m glad that a kind person fount it.



We should be kind to old people.



The staff working at the institution were all friendly and kind.






The nurse is a gentle person but has inner strength.



The actor often plays the role of the wicked villain but is actually a very gentle person.



He has an iron will and a gentle heart.







we have received your thoughtful gift with many thanks.



How thoughtful of you to prepare cold drinks for us!



The shop provides a thorough and thoughtful service.






My nephew was considerate enough not to order expensive things at the sushi restaurant.



What is most important is that you have to show consideration for others.






Her husband says things like that, but he’s actually a good person.



He always wanted to be a good father to his children.






My ex-boyfriend was short-tempered but he was a really nice person.



Tom is emotional and is easily moved to tears, but he is a nice guy.



  1. 「驚く」|「surprised」「amazed」「astonished」の違いと使い方

  2. 「食べる」|「eat」「have」「take」の違いと使い分け

  3. 「地図」|「map と atlas」どちら?

  4. 「正確」|「exact」「correct」「right」「accurate」「precise」の違いと使い方

  5. 「欠席、不在」|「absent」「stay away」「not here」「away」の違いと使い方

  6. 「満足」|「satisfied」「pleased」「glad」「happy」の違いと使い方

  7. 「revolve」は「何度も回る」⇒「回転させる、回転する」

  8. 「海岸」|「shore」「beach」「coast」の違いと使い方

  9. 「indigenous」は「(種族の中で)生まれた」→「ある土地(国)に生まれ育った」