Flaming colors of the autumn leaves| 北海道は秋の色、大雪山

Flaming colors of the autumn leaves|北海道は秋の色、大雪山






We feel a hint of autumn in the air which is getting cooler day by day in Hokkaido.




In Hokkaido, the leaves begin changing colors in early September every year.



Last month, the summit area of Mt. Kurodake in Kamikawa, Hokkaido was covered by red and yellow mountain ash and alpine bear berry leaves.


※ mountain ash「ナナカマド」  alpine bear berry「ツツジ」


Mt. Kurodake is known for having the earliest leaf color change in Japan.




Mountain ash, gold birch and other trees tinged with the autumn-like hues of red and yellow weave a brilliant tapestry at the foot of Daisetsuzan mountain range in Kamikawa, Hokkaido now.


※ mountain ash「ナナカマド」  gold birch「ダケカンバ」


Hokkaido is well worth a visit during the red and yellow leaves season.



  1. 「impose」は「~の上に置く」→「課す、押しつける、(だまして)つかませる、つけこむ」

  2. 「高い」|「high」「tall」の違いと使い方

  3. 「assign」は「しるしを付ける」

  4. 「確かな」|「sure」「certain」の違いと使い方

  5. 「1人」|「alone」「lonely」「solitary」の違いと使い方

  6. 「見下す」|「despise」「look down on」「scorn」の違いと使い方

  7. 「advocate」は「~に呼びかける」

  8. 小鹿に「人間のにおいがつく」は英語でいうと?

  9. 「小さい」「small と little」使い分けと違い|「小さいときから優等生」は?