

日本語の「国」は英語では country, nation, state, land などの語を使い分ける。







What is your native country?


※ native country のかわりに mother country, home country も使える。



Bowing to fate, the princess went in marriage to the neighboring country.


※ bow to fate 「運命とあきらめる」






The United States has a shorter history as a nation than major European countries.




The nation was branded as an aggressor.


※ aggressor 「侵略者」



「state」は独自の政治概念を持つ組織をさしていうときに使う語。アメリカで the state は州のことをいう。


Many industries were under state control during the war.



Once there were many ambitious young patriots in the Meiji Restoration period who aimed at establishing a new state.  Sakamoto Ryoma was contemporary with them.



They can turn right even on a red light in some states in America.






Prevented by war from returning to their native land, they are forced to stay on in a foreign country.



He went overseas to spread Christianity in heathen lands.


※ heathen 「異教徒」


  1. 「さがす」|「search」「explore」「look for」の違いと使い方

  2. 「リムジンバス」は「limousine」|「bus」は不要

  3. 「expatriate」は「祖国の外へ出す」⇒「国外に追放する」

  4. 「ライラックとリラ」「lilac と lilas」使い分けと違い

  5. 「contract」は「一緒に引き合う」ので「契約」となる

  6. 「dress と dressing」|dress は「整える、用意する」

  7. 「park と parking」「公園と駐車場」使い分けと違い

  8. 「inspire」は「中に吹き込む」

  9. 「最後の」|「terminal」「concluding」「ultimate」の違いと使い方