小樽商科大学 過去問 2018年02月25日実施 第5問 解答

H小樽商科大学 過去問 2018年02月25日実施 第5問 解答





I think it was a very good decision. 

Being charged for plastic bags makes some customers think more about bringing their own shopping bags. 

It also makes people think that plastic bags are not just free and worthless and can easily be thrown away. 

People will think more about reusing plastic bags because they had to pay for them.






I don’t think the decision to charge for plastic bags was a good decision. 

The charge is very small, usually only \3 or \5, so most people really don’t care. 

It’s still more convenient for many to buy a bag and then throw it away later. 

I think stores should stop using plastic bags altogether and sell cloth bags at the counter. 






A young woman was told by a street vendor that she could buy cosmetics for a discounted price. 

She saw the price had been discounted from \36,000 to \20,000 so she bought them. 

But later she found the same cosmetics were being sold for only \10,000. 

She realized that she had been tricked, but when she went back to the street vendor, the woman was gone.



  1. 小樽商科大学過去問|2017年第1問 解答

  2. 小樽商科大学2012年第5問(3)

  3. 小樽商科大学 過去問 2018(H30)年02月25日実施 第2問

  4. 小樽商科大学2012年第5問(1)

  5. 小樽商科大学過去問|2017年第2問 問題

  6. 小樽商科大学 過去問 2018年02月25日実施 第5問 問題

  7. 小樽商科大学2011年第5問(b)

  8. 小樽商科大学過去問|2017年第2問 解説

  9. 小樽商科大学2016年第5問(b)