Otaru Snow Light Pass

Otaru Snow Light Pass Festival Schedule Decided

Otaru Snow Light Pass Festival

Date: 2019/2/8(Fri) ~ 2/17(Sun)

It’s been almost twenty years since Otaru Snow Light Pass started in 1999.


The number of visitors during the festival period is about 500,000 every year. But number does not matter.

The most important concept is that people visiting the festival feel easy, think about things, and have a chance to reflect on themselves.


Why don’t you forget busy daily life and relax in a northern city for a while.


Otaru once was the most prosperous and important city in the history of Hokkaido. Now it is one of the most popular sightseeing destinations in Hokkaido.

There are several festival sites: The Canal Site, Former Temiya Railway Line Site, and Asarigawa Hot Spring Village Site.

Adding to those sites there are many other places where more than 100,000 private candles are lit by the local people.


A lot of candles illuminate buildings and streets in the city.

How fantastic it is!

The whole city is full of feeling of “Hospitality” of the local people to the visitors.





  1. 東京・自由が丘に北海道のカフェ、オープン

  2. 「北海道の桜」開花予想、道南から

  3. さらば、百年記念塔

  4. 寒い冬を暖かく 北海道 サルも温泉、そしてサルだんご

  5. 「北海道開拓の村」名物の馬車鉄道、運行開始

  6. 「フェリー航路」|北海道と各地を結ぶフェリー航路

  7. 飛行機、それとも新幹線?

  8. The Dawn of a New Era

  9. Airplane or bullet train, to Hokkaido