



The works of Ukiyoe artist Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) traveled to Europe and had a tremendous influence on impressionist artists.

単語 和訳
work 作品
Ukiyoe artist 浮世絵師
travel 渡る
tremendous ものすごい、途方もなく強い
influence 影響
impressionist 印象派



He is well-known for scenic woodblock art, but also drew many different images including pictures of flowers and birds and beautiful women as a matter of course, as well as ghosts, classical tales and the changing weather.

単語 和訳
be well-known for … ~でよく知られた
scenic 風景の
woodblock 木版画
draw 描く
image 像、絵画
including ~を含む
pictures of flowers and birds 花鳥画
pictures of beautiful women 美人画
as a matter of course もちろん
ghost 幽霊
classical tales 古典物語


Hokusai’s woodblock series “Fugaku Sanju-rokkei” (Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji) includes the iconic “Great Wave Off Kanagawa,” which features a snow-capped Fuji in the distance as a giant foaming wave swells in the foreground.

単語 和訳
Fugaku Sanju Rokkei (Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji) 富嶽三十六景
iconic 象徴的な
Great Wave Off Kanagawa 神奈川沖浪裏
feature ~を描く
snow-capped 雪をかぶった
in the distance 遠くに
giant foaming wave 巨大な泡立つ波
swell 波立つ、大きくなる
foreground 前面、前景




The newly discovered Hokusai painting “Hamaguri Uri-zu” is the centerpiece of a new exhibition at the Sumida Hokusai Museum.

単語 和訳
newly 新たに
centerpiece 目玉的存在
exhibition 展示、展覧会、展示会




It is currently part of a special exhibition titled “Edo Livelihoods by Hokusai.”

単語 和訳
currently 現在
special exhibition 特別展、企画展
“Edo Livelihoods by Hokusai” 「北斎の江戸なりわい大図鑑」




Some of the artworks in the current exhibition will be replaced for a second exhibition to be held from May 21 to June 9.

単語 和訳
artwork 作品、芸術品、工芸品
be replaced 入れ替えになる
be held 行われる、開催される



The newly discovered “Hamaguri Uri-zu” will be on display until May 19 during the first exhibition.

単語 和訳
be on display 展示される
until … ~まで
during ~の間





2019年5月6日 YAMATO



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