






Freeze-drying is a technique of putting frozen food into a special vacuum machine that removes moisture.

単語 和訳
technique 技術
vacuum 真空
remove 取り去る、取り除く
moisture 水分



A typical example is instant version of coffee.

単語 和訳
typical 典型的な



Other than coffee, this method is used to make instant versions of miso suop, ramen, and meals to eat in space.

単語 和訳
other than … ~以外
method 方法
meals to eat in space 宇宙食



When we eat, the dried, spongy food is rehydrated, usually with hot water.

単語 和訳
spongy スポンジ状の
rehydrate (乾燥食品に水を加えて)元に戻す




The range of foods made by freeze drying has expanded, diversifying beyond miso soup to toppings for rice bowl dishes.

単語 和訳
expand 広がる、拡大する
diversify 多様にする
toppoing トッピング、(丼物の)具
rice bowl dishes 丼物




Growing demand for meals along with an increase in the number of single-person households have bolstered the development of a lot of kinds of freeze-dried products.

単語 和訳
demand 需要
meal 食事
increase 増加
single-person household 一人暮らし世帯
bolster 増す、後押しする
development 開発
product 製品



As our society is aging, how to prepare meals is becoming a problem for many elderly people.

単語 和訳
age 年をとる
prepare (食事の)支度をする
elderly people 高齢者



One good idea is to use freeze-dried foods.



Freeze-dried items are easy to prepare even for elderly people living alone.

単語 和訳
item 品目(ここでは製品のこと)
living alone 一人住まいの




Because they can be kept for a long time, freeze-dried foods can also be used as an emergency stock of food.

単語 和訳
can be kept 保存が効く
emergency stock of food 非常用備蓄食料



2019年5月2日 MUSASHI



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