Winter is come. Watch your step!

A conductor of world reputation slipped on a snowy road and fell over

World-renowned British conductor Danniel Harding slipped on a frozen path and broke his right ankle in Sapporo on Tuesday, December 11.


He was in Japan for a tour of the Orchestre de Paris.


In spite of the injury, he appeared on the stage in a wheelchair at Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara in the city.


Seated in a chair, he conducted the French orchestra playing Beethoven’s Violin Concerto and other works.


The audience applauded loudly.


  1. 「阿寒湖、湖水開き」北海道釧路市

  2. 札幌円山動物園 ゾウ公開 12年ぶり

  3. 「百年記念塔解体後、校章・校歌は?」

  4. 落花生の豆まき 北海道

  5. 「サクラ、札幌にも到着」北海道札幌|満開は10連休前半

  6. 廃止間近の秘境駅へ、北海道

  7. 小樽雪あかりの路

  8. 「北海道の観光情報・イベント」様々な情報を紹介

  9. 「洞爺湖、今年もロングラン花火大会」北海道洞爺湖町