Sapporo Lilac Festival begins

Sapporo Lilac Festival begins

The Sapporo Lilac Festival began in the City of Sapporo, Hokkaido on May 15.

This festival heralds the arrival of early summer in the northern Japanese City of Sapporo.

Odori Park, where the festival is held, is located in the central part of the city.

In the park, about 400 lilac trees now have purple and pink flowers in bloom.

On the first day of the festival, some 1,000 lilac seedlings were distributed free to residents at the park.

Visitors can enjoy concerts and more than 400 kinds of wine produced in the prefecture during the festival, through May 26.


  1. 「北海道の桜」開花予想、道南から

  2. The Dawn of a New Era

  3. A Farewell to the Tower

  4. 寒い冬を暖かく 北海道 サルも温泉、そしてサルだんご

  5. いよいよ流氷の季節が訪れました

  6. 厳寒の北海道でダイヤモンドダストを見よう

  7. 新たなる聖地巡礼 カムイコタン

  8. 「クルーズ船、続いて寄港」北海道函館港

  9. 「百年記念塔解体後、校章・校歌は?」