






“Raigo of Amida and Twenty-five Attendants,” a painting designated as a national treasure, was brought to a restoration facility at the Kyoto National Museum on April 11.

単語 和訳
designated 指定された
national treasure 国宝
be brought to … 搬入される
restoration facility 修理作業施設
the Kyoto National Museum 京都国立博物館



This picture was painted in the 14th-century and is held by Chion-in temple in Kyoto.

単語 和訳
be painted 描かれる
be held 所蔵されている



It is undergoing repair work for the first time in 85 years.

単語 和訳
be undergoing ~が行われている
repair work 修理作業
for the first time in … ~ぶりに




Fine arts and crafts in Japan include many items such materials as wood and washi traditional Japanese paper.

単語 和訳
fine arts and crafts 美術工芸品
include ~を含む
material 素材
traditonal 伝統的な



Washi is a type of paper, famous for its beauty, and handed down from ancient times in Japan.

単語 和訳
famous for ~で有名
hand down 伝える
from ancient times 古来から




It is said that they need full-scale repair to prevent deterioration once in fifty years.

単語 和訳
It is said that … ~と言われている
need ~を必要とする
full-scale repair 本格修理
once in fifty years 50年に一度



2019年4月27日 MUSASHI



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