#01 江戸城(Edo Castle)で日本を再発見!〜歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド〜

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Let’s talk about “Edo Castle(Imperial Palace).”

Do you know where Edo Castle is?


It is in the center of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.  The Emperor and Empress live there.  It is a castle but there is no buildings of the samurai period.  Because there were a number of fires during the Edo period, and almost all buildings were burned down.


Now let me introduce you the Edo Castle.


#01 江戸城(Edo Castle)の歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド

photo by wondertrip.jp

About Edo Castle|江戸城とは

Imperial Palace is formerly known as the Edo castle, the stronghold of the Tokugawa Shogunate.  This palace has been the residence of the emperor of Japan since after the Meiji Restoration in 1868.  The palace with a compound of 1.15 million square meters consists of the main palace where ceremonies and functions are held, the residence of the Emperor and Empress, and the East Garden containing the ruins of Tenshukaku Donjon.  The Chowaden Hall, located in the main Imperial Palace, is noted for the New Year’s visit by the general public to the Imperial Palace.


Edo Castle is also known as Chiyodajo.  It is situated in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo.  It was built between 1603 and 1651.  Edo Castle was for over two centuries the headquarters of the Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1867).  After the Meiji Restoration of 1868 the area encompassed by its inner moat became the Imperial Palace (Kokyo).  Set off by broad moats and towering stone walls from the frenetic activity of the modern city, it survives today as a serene island of spacious gardens and woods.

江戸城は別名「千代田城」として知られています。江戸城が東京都千代田区にあるからです。江戸城は1603年から1651年におよそ50年もの歳月をかけて築城されました。江戸城は2世紀(約200年)以上、徳川幕府の中心でもありました。1868年の明治維新後、内堀で囲まれた部分が皇居(Imperial Palace)となりました。江戸城(皇居)は幅広い堀、そしてそびえたつ石垣で現代の街の喧騒から区切られ、今日まで広大な庭園と森の静かな島として生き残っているのです。

History of Edo Castle|江戸城の歴史とは

In 1590 Tokugawa Ieyasu was designated lord of the entire Kanto Plain by the national hegemon Toyotomi Hideyoshi.  At the time, Edo (now Tokyo) was a coastal village, near which stood a small, dilapidated castle built by Ota Dokan in 1457.  Making Edo their headquarters, Ieyasu and his successors set about constructing a castle that became the seat of shogunate rule in 1603.  It served as the shogun’s residence, the center of his administrative bureaucracy, and the site of state receptions for daimyo making the formal visits stipulated by the Sankin Kotai regulations for alternate-year attendance in Edo.


Point 1|Scale of Edo Castle -江戸城の大きさとは-

When completed, the Edo castle was the largest in the world, its outer defensive perimeter (gaikaku) some 16 kilometers (10mi) in length.  The inner defensive perimeter (naikaku), consisting of some 6.4 kilometers (4mi) of moats and walls, encircled what is now the Imperial Palace grounds.


Point 2|Map of Edo Castle -江戸城の城内マップとは-

The heart of the castle was the main enclosure (hommaru), most of which was occupied by a rambling set of buildings that served as both the shogunal residence and the headquarters of his government and bureaucracy.  The shogun’s personal chambers occupied the core of the castle buildings, the area called Nakaoku (Middle Interior).  Directly to its north was the Ooku, or Great Inerior, where his womenfolk lived in a vast labyrinth of rooms and corridors.


To the south was the Omote (Exterior) with its official offices and reception halls.  Adjacent to the main enclosure was the western enclosure (nishinomaru), which usually served as the residence of the heir;  the Momijiyama sector, with its shrines to former shoguns, Fukiage, and area of woods, walks, and gardens; and in the lower-lying plain to the east, and area occupied by the residence of shogunal officials.


Point 3|Edo Castle, Now -現在の江戸城とは-

During the 1860s a series of disastrous fires destroyed the main building complexes of the castle; when Emperor Meiji located his capital in Edo in 1868. he inherited little more than a gutted shell.  Most of the buildings on the grounds of the present Imperial Palace are of recent construction; only the moats and massive stonework of the perimeter remain as testament to the shogunal past.


Must of Edo Castle|江戸城で有名なスポットとは

photo by wondertrip.jp

Ote-mon Gate was once the main gate of Edo Castle.  The narrow entrance is built in a style called Masugata-mon.  Inside the gate is a rectangular space surrounded by stone walls where one must turn right to proceed to the next gate.  Even if the enemy were to breach the first gate, they would be trapped inside this space and attacked with arrows or bullets through holes in the plaster parapets atop the stone walls.



Edo Castle:Information|江戸城の基本情報
名称 皇居東御苑(旧江戸城)
住所 東京都千代田区千代田1-1
電話 033-213-2050
営業時間 09:00-17:00(冬季16時まで)
定休日 定休日あり(月曜日・金曜日)
料金 大人 無料
子供 無料
アクセス 最寄駅「JR東京駅」
駐車場 駐車場なし
駐車料金 平日 -円
土日 -円
祝日 -円
サービス 駐車サービスなし
登録日 2020年3月18日
更新日 2020年4月30日



capital 首都
formerly 以前は、昔
stronghold 本拠、拠点
residence 住居
compound 構内
inner moat 内堀
stone walls 石垣
frenetic activity 喧騒
serene 静かな
designate 任ずる
hegemon 覇者
dilapidated 荒れ果てた
successor 後継者
stipulate 規定する
narrow 狭い
rectangular 升形
surround 取り囲む
proceed 前進する
breach 突破する
parapet 塁壁


the Meiji Restoration 明治維新
New Year’s visit by the general public 新年の一般参賀
center of his administrative bureaucracy 行政の中心
frenetic activity of the modern city 現代の街の喧騒
vast  labyrinth of rooms and corridors 各部屋と廊下からなる巨大な迷宮

One Point Lesson|よく使う単語の使い方と違い




  1. #05 東京スカイツリーで日本再発見!~歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド~

  2. LIFE|ライフ その他

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  4. 英語マスター術|ライフ

  5. 英語マスター術|旅行

  6. LIFE|ライフ 話す・見る・食べる・飲む・着る

  7. 「つかむ」|「snatch」「grab」の違いと使い方


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