#02 浅草、浅草寺、仲見世で日本を再発見!~歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド~

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Let’s talk about “Asakusa.”

Do you know where Asakusa is?


It is near the center of Tokyo, the capital of Japan.  In Asakusa district there are Sensoji-temple, Kaminari-mon, Nakamise and so on.  It is one of the most famous sightseeing spots both Japanese people and foreign tourists visit throughout the year.


Now let me introduce you Asakusa.


#2 浅草の歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド



About Asakusa|浅草とは

Asakusa is a famous sightseeing spot in Tokyo, which is reminiscent of the Edo period.  This district has been flourishing as a temple town of Senso-ji, the oldest and the largest temple in Tokyo.  Kaminarimon, or “Thunder Gate,” the outer gate of the temple is very famous as a landmark of Asakusa for its huge red lantern.  Both domestic and foreign tourists flock to this venerable temple and the shopping arcade called “Nakamise” in the compound, the best place to buy traditional Japanese souvenirs in Tokyo.


History of Asakusa|浅草の歴史とは

Asakusa is the district in the eastern part of Taito Ward, Tokyo, on the west bank of the river Sumidagawa.  The district came into being during the Edo period (1603-1867) as a commercial and entertainment area centered on the temple Sensoji, popularly called the Asakusa Kannnon.  The Yoshiwara pleasure quarter was once located just to the north.  Asakusa still retains the distinctive atmosphere of Tokyo’s shitamachi, with attractions that include the Nakamise and Shin Nakamise shopping arcades and the movie theaters and entertainment halls of the Rokku area.  A number of traditional fairs and festivals are held in Asakusa, among them the Sanja Festival.


Point 1|Kaminari-mon Gate-雷門とは

Kaminari-monn (Thunder Gate) is an abbreviation for “Gate of the Wind God and Thunder God,” the full name of the main entrance to Senso-ji.  Facing the gate, statue on the right is the Wind God and the one on the left is the Thunder God.  The Wind God carries a wind sack on his back, which he opens and closes to make the wind blow and stop.  The Thunder God causes thunder by beating the drums on his back.  The wind spreads the seeds of grain, and the rain that follows thunder helps them sprout; together they are symbols of an abundant harvest.


After the gate burned down in a fire in 1865, it took 95 years until the present one was rebuilt by Matsushita Konosuke, founder of the Panasonic company.  The huge lantern bears the name of gate, Kamirani-mon, and has a carving of a dragon on the bottom, believed to protect buildings from fire.


Point 2|Nakamise-仲見世とは

There are about 90 souvenir shops along the Nakamise, the 250m approach form the Kaminari-mon to the inner Hozo-mon gate.  These shops carry just about every type of souvenir covered by tourists from overseas.  Many wind up spending most of their available time shopping here, then have to rush to see the main temple hall.


The Nakamise first appeared in the Edo period, when neighbors of the temple who helped clean the precincts were granted permission to open shops here.  After the Meiji Restoration, the government of Japan took ownership of the land, but in 1911 it was returned to Senso-ji.


Point 3|Senso-ji Temple-浅草寺とは

Senso-ji Temple has a long history and has been popular until now.  Many Japanese also visit this destination.  You can enjoy shopping and trying out different eating places.   Now let me introduce you Senso-ji Temple.


Point 3-1|History of Senso-ji Temple-浅草寺の歴史とは

Together with Meiji-jingu shrine, Senso-ji temple is Tokyo’s most popular destination.  The oldest Buddhist temple in Tokyu, it is unique in having been founded by commoners, not the aristocracy.


Its history starts in 628, when legend has it that two brothers fishing in the Sumida River brought up a tiny (5.5 cm) golden statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon in their net.  To enshrine the statue, the villagers built a small sanctuary at the foot of Komagara Bridge on the river.


But 17 years later, the priest Shokai Shonin had a dream in which he was told that the statue should be kept hidden from the view.  Since then it has never been shown to the public.  According to the records of the temple, when the Meiji government ordered the separation of Shinto and Buddhism in the late 1800s, government officials opened the small shrine and confirmed the statue’s existence.


Point 3-2|Sensop-ji Temple, Now-今日の浅草寺

From the Heian period on, the temple gradually grew with the support of leading samurai warriors.  Then, in the early Edo period, it became the family temple of the Tokugawa Shogunate and developed into the largest temple in Edo.


Most of the temple, including the Main Hall,  was destroyed in 1945 during the Tokyo air raids, but it was rebuilt after the war.  Currently, with some 30 million annual visitors, it is most frequented temple in Japan.


ASAKUSA:Information|浅草 基本情報
名称 浅草、浅草寺
住所 東京都台東区浅草2丁目3−1
電話 03-3842-0181
営業時間 開堂午前6時(10月〜3月は午前6時30分) ~ 閉堂午後5時
定休日 定休日なし
拝観料 大人 無料
子供 無料
アクセス 最寄駅「東京メトロ銀座線 浅草駅」
駐車場 なし
サービス なし
登録日 2020年3月26日
更新日 2020年5月1日



reminiscent ~をしのばせる
flourish 栄える
venerable 由緒ある
shopping arcade 商店街
souvenir 土産物
commercial 商業の
entertainment 歓楽
distinctive 独特の
retain 残している
atmosphere 雰囲気
traditional 伝統的な
abbreviation 省略形
spread まき散らす
sprout 芽を吹く
carving 彫り物
carry (店で)扱う
aristocracy 貴族
small shrine 厨子


bear the name for … ~の名前が入っている
approach from ~ to … ~から…への参道
symbols of abundant harvest 五穀豊穣のシンボル
spend most of their time available –ing 利用できる時間をほとんど~に使う
the separation of Shinto and Buddhism 神仏分離

One Point Lesson


  1. LIFE|ライフ その他

  2. 英語マスター術|カルチャー

  3. トップページ 

  4. 英語マスター術|「ビジネス」


  6. 英語マスター術|教育

  7. LIFE ライフ 動く

  8. LIFE|ライフ 話す・見る・食べる・飲む・着る

  9. Japanbook|Rediscover Japan!「ジャパンブックで日本を再発見!」