Winter is come. Watch your step!

A conductor of world reputation slipped on a snowy road and fell over

World-renowned British conductor Danniel Harding slipped on a frozen path and broke his right ankle in Sapporo on Tuesday, December 11.


He was in Japan for a tour of the Orchestre de Paris.


In spite of the injury, he appeared on the stage in a wheelchair at Sapporo Concert Hall Kitara in the city.


Seated in a chair, he conducted the French orchestra playing Beethoven’s Violin Concerto and other works.


The audience applauded loudly.


  1. 「エゾヤマザクラ開花」北海道釧路

  2. 「クルーズ船、続いて寄港」北海道函館港

  3. 落花生の豆まき 北海道

  4. 「大倉山、宮の森ジャンプ台、集約案」北海道札幌

  5. いよいよ流氷の季節が訪れました

  6. 「北海道の桜」開花予想、道南から

  7. Airplane or bullet train, to Hokkaido

  8. 札幌円山動物園 ゾウ公開 12年ぶり

  9. 飛行機、それとも新幹線?