#04 明治神宮(Meiji Shrine)で日本を再発見!~歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド~

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Let’s talk about “Meiji Shrine.”

Do you know where Meiji Shrine is?


Meiji Shrine is in the heart of Tokyo, surrounded by a lush green forest.  It is dedicated to Emperor Meiji (1852-1912) and Empress Shoken.


How to get to Meiji Shrine?


Meiji Shrine is located next to Harajuku Station and Meiji-jingumae Station.


For JR, take the Yamanote Line to Harajuku Station.  On the Metro, take the Chiyoda or Fukutoshin lines to Meiji-jingumae Station.


Meiji Shrine is about a ten-minute walk from either station.


Now let me introduce Meiji Shrine.


#4 明治神宮(Meiji Shrine)の歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド

About Meiji Shrine|明治神宮とは

It is a shrine at Yoyogi, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo.  It is dedicated to the spirits of Emperor Meiji (1852-1912) and his consort, Empress Shoken (1850-1914).


In recognition of the great contribution made by Emperor Meiji to the modernization of Japan, the Imperial Diet passed a resolution in 1913 to build a shrine in his honor.  Virtually destroyed in the air raid of 14 April 1945, the shrine was reconstructed in 1958 at a cost of ¥600 million raised through a nationwide subscription.


The annual festival is held on  November 3, Emperor’s birthday which is a national holiday (Cultural Day).


History of Meiji Shrine|明治神宮の歴史とは

After Meiji Emperor passed away in 1912, Meiji Srhine was built in 1920 to enshrine the spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife Empress Shoken.  The actual tomb is in Fushimi Momoyama in Kyoto, not here.


During World War II, the main building of the shrine was damaged in the air raid of 14 April 1945 and rebuilt in 1958.


Point 1|How many trees are there in Meiji Shrine?  Who planted them?-明治神宮には何本の木があり、植えたのは誰?-

When Meiji Shrine was built about one-hundred years ago,  trees were planted by some 110,000 volunteers.  Originally 120,000 trees of 365 species were planted, mostly Japanese evergreen broadleaf trees such as oak and camphor, avoiding cedar and cypress more suited to humid mountain valleys.


At present about 170,000 trees form a forest much like those of primeval Japan, and raccoons and goshawks inhabit there, too.


Point 2|Great Gate of Meiji Shrine-明治神宮の大鳥居-

The Great Gate of Meiji Shrine that we see today is the gate’s second generation.   It is 12 m high and 1.2 m in diameter, and it is Japan’s largest wooden torii gate in this style.


The first Great Gate was built using a 1200-year-old cypress donated by Taiwan in 1920.  It survived World War II, but was destroyed by lightning.  The current Great Gate was built in 1975 using a 1500-year-old cypress from Taiwan’s Alishan mountains with support from a Japanese man who gave money for a good purpose and people in Taiwan.


You spiritually cleanse by walking through the torii gate to enter the sacred inner precinct of the shrine.  The very center of the torii gate is considered to be the path of the gods, so best to avoid it and bow briefly, the pass through a little to the side.


Point 3  Meiji Shrine, Now-現在の明治神宮は-

Meiji Shrine draw about 3 million worshipers during the New Year, the most of any shrine in Japan.


Many couples hold their wedding ceremony at this shrine.  If you’re lucky enough you may see a bride and groom on their way to a wedding ceremony with their families and an entourage of Shinto priests and shrine maidens.


Must of Meiji Shrine Main Hall and Worship Hall|明治神宮の有名スポット 本殿と拝殿

The Main Hall of Meiji Shrine, rebuilt in 1958 after suffering air raid damage, cannot be seen from outside.  When praying in front of the Outer Worship Hall, you can see the staircases leading to the Inner Worship Hall, as well as a pair of large drums that are beaten at the beginning and end of important ceremonies.


The front pillars of the Outer Worship Hall have many scars.  These scars were caused by the coins tossed by worshipers as offerings during the New Year.  Now, these pillars are covered with plastic sheets during the New Year Period to prevent any further damage.



Meiji Shrine:Information|明治神宮の基本情報
名称 明治神宮
住所 東京都渋谷区代々木神園町1-1
電話 03-3379-5511
開閉門時間 日の出、日の入りに合わせて毎月変更
定休日 定休日なし
料金 大人 無料
子供 無料
アクセス 最寄駅「JR原宿駅」
駐車場 120台
駐車料金 平日 無料
土日 無料
祝日 無料
サービス 駐車サービスなし
登録日 2020年3月18日
更新日 2020年5月3日




surrounded by … ~に囲まれた
lush 青々と茂った
consort 皇族の配偶者
contribution 貢献
air raid 空襲
subscription 寄付
evergreen 常緑樹
broadleaf 広葉の
suited to … ~に適した
primeval 原始の
diameter 直径
purpose 目的
cleanse 浄める
sacred 神聖な
precinct 境内
worshiper 参拝者
wedding ceremony 結婚式
entourage 取り巻き
pray 祈る
staircase 階段


be dedicated to … ~が祭られている
enshrine the spirits of … ~の御霊を祭る
an entourage of … ~に伴われて
after suffering air raid damage 空襲で損害を受けた後
to prevent any further damage これ以上傷がつかないように

One Point Lesson


  1. 「つかむ」|「snatch」「grab」の違いと使い方

  2. 英語マスター術|教育

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  5. 英語マスター術|旅行

  6. 英語マスター術|「ビジネス」

  7. #02 浅草、浅草寺、仲見世で日本を再発見!~歴史・見どころ・旅ガイド~

  8. トップページ 

  9. 英語マスター術|カルチャー