A Farewell to the Tower

The Centennial Memorial Tower

In September, Hokkaido government decided to break down the Centennial Memorial Tower in the Nopporo Forest Park in Sapporo.

The tower was constructed in 1970 as one part of Hokkaido’s Centennial Project.

It is an expression of gratitude for the hard work of the people who built the Hokkaido today.  It is also a symbol of future accomplishment.

There is a view room on the 8th floor (23.5 meters up) of the tower.  We can see the city of Sapporo and Ishikari Plain from this observation deck.

Unfortunately because of deterioration of the tower and safety regulations, we have not been allowed to enter the tower for past several years.

Due to the large amount of money (about ¥2.65 billion) to reconstruct the tower, the local government decided to demolish the tower.

Although the date of demolition is not yet fixed, sooner or later we will not be able to see one of the popular landmarks in Hokkaido. 

Please visit Sapporo before it disappears in the near future.




  1. 「さっぽろライラックまつり」始まる|北海道札幌

  2. 「阿寒湖、湖水開き」北海道釧路市

  3. 札幌円山動物園 ゾウ公開 12年ぶり

  4. Airplane or bullet train, to Hokkaido

  5. 「クァンタム・オブ・ザ・シーズ入港」北海道函館港

  6. 「北海道函館港、若松埠頭にアザマラ・クエスト接岸」

  7. 廃止間近の秘境駅へ、北海道

  8. 「大倉山、宮の森ジャンプ台、集約案」北海道札幌

  9. 寒い冬を暖かく 北海道 サルも温泉、そしてサルだんご