








With the springtime moving season in full gear, trash removal businesses are receiving a flood of orders from people looking to clean up their gomi yashiki.

単語 和訳
with … ~した状態で [付帯状況を表す]
springtime moving season 春の引っ越しシーズン
in full gear たけなわ、まっさかり
trash removal business ゴミ処理業者
receive orders 注文を受ける
a flood of … 殺到する~
clean up 片づける



”Gomi yashiki” is a popular, tongue-in-cheek phrase meaning “trash estates” that describes homes where the trash has piled up to the point that the smell bothers neighbors.

単語 和訳
tongue-in-cheek ふざけた
phrase 語句、言い回し
meaning … ~を意味する
trash estate ごみ屋敷
describe ~を描写する、表現する
pile up 積み重なる
to the point ~まで
smell におい、悪臭
bother 悩ます、困らせる
neighbor 近所の人、隣人




At one time, those who pile up trash were elderly people who lack the strength to clean.

単語 和訳
at one time ひところ
those who … ~する人
elderly 高齢の
lack ~を欠いている
strength 力、体力



In recent years, a conspicuous trend has been the large number of working-age people who pile up trash in their living areas.

単語 和訳
in recent years 近年
conspicuous はっきり見える、顕著な
working-age 労働年齢、現役の
living area 生活空間



According to a Tokyo cleaning company that conducts hundreds of trash removals per year, many customers are in their 30s and 40s and include doctors, nurses and trading company employees.

単語 和訳
according to … ~によると
cleaning company 清掃会社
conduct 行う
hundreds of … 何百もの
removal 除去
include ~を含む
in one’s 30s and 40s 30代と40代



They work so hard at their jobs they put off cleaning up their houses.

単語 和訳
put off 延期する、先延ばしする



Nowadays, people of working age who fail to clean their living spaces for one reason or another are reported to make up half of all gomi yashiki cases.

単語 和訳
nowdays 最近
fail to … ~できない
for one reason or another 何かの理由で
half 半分



2019年4月28日 YAMATO



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